Rental Contract

What is a Rent Contract?

A rent contract is a legally binding agreement between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the commitments of both parties to a property and lists in details terms of leasing said property.

lets sign for the place

Rental/Lease agreement

If you rely financially on rental income, it means it’s a business so why not treat it as such? You should do everything you can to protect your investment.

There are a lot of landlords and tenants making verbal arrangements all across the country without knowing the legal rights of each other. In other words, we are infringing on each other’s rights without even knowing it, whether or not it is coming from a place of malice.

Landlord and Tenant Horror Stories

I have heard of several horror stories where:

  1. A landlord has rented to a couple of individuals and upon visit, realizes the tenants have sublet the property to more than 10 other people.
  2. Tenants threatening bodily harm to other residents and landlords as well as vice versa.
  3. Malicious destruction of property
  4. Illegal eviction of tenants and several other things

It is truly in our culture to agree to trust people’s words, when we really are just standing by waiting on them to break the verbal agreement.

So, in order for this agreement to be clear, it is better to have it in writing. Here is a  I am sharing with you prepared by a lawyer.

Tenant Registration Form

What is a Tenant Registration Form

The tenant registration form is a document that a potential renter or a lease holder must fill in for the purpose of collecting important factual information about the individual which the landlord will use to make a decision and alo may rely up on for future references.

With every tenant or potential tenant who is going through the process of renting your property. You must collect the right information and keep a record of it. This should be done for administrative, legal, and even safety purposes. Here is a that we have created for you to use.

Rent Assessment Board (RAB)

Did you know it is mandatory as a landlord to register at the (RAB) Rent Assessment Board?

RAB is the body that oversees landlord and tenants and deals with all issues of the tenancy, they have the same power as the Resident Magistrate’s Court (RMC) and as such RMC is no longer handling issues between landlords and tenants.

RAB is guided by the Rent Restriction Act (RRA) of Jamaica and so should you.

Rent Restriction Act (RRA)

Here are some facts about the RRA:

  • It is not in the law to require a security deposit, but it is up to the landlord to request a deposit if they so desire.
  • If your rental property is not registered with RAB, you should not be increasing your rent by the 7.5% allowed each year.
  • The landlord or tenant must be given at least 30 days’ notice to quit the property.


notice to quit
What is a Notice to Quit Form?

A notice to quit is a form served to the tenant by the landlord to vacate a property. The form must give the tenant at least 30 days notice, the reason for possession of the property request and it must be dated and signed.

Need to give tenant notice


Should the landlord require possession of the property, he/she should serve the tenant with a NOTICE TO QUIT FORM.

Here are the reasons for “notice to vacate” provided by the Rent Restriction Act (RRA)

Reasons for Notice to Quit/Vacate

  • Non-payment of rent
  • Violating the legal tenancy contract in place which is in line with the RRA (Rent Restriction Act)
  • Conducting illegal activities at the premise
  • Being guilty of conduct which is nuisance or annoyance to other occupiers
  • If the landlord requires the building for himself for dwelling if it is residential or to conduct his own business if it is commercial
  • If the building is required for repairs, rebuilding or improving
  • Subletting without the permission of the landlord.
  • If the former tenant left to serve His Majesty the King, upon his/her return, you are allowed to give notice to the current tenant, if he/she wishes to return to the premises 😲
Get your FREE Notice to Quit Form here

When you enter your name and email address, we will send you the Notice to Quit form via said email.

Fill in your details below to get this form

Now that you have the rental agreement, tenant registration form, and your free notice to quit/vacate template, I hope this post provides answers to your questions and empowers you to be the landlord you desire to be.

Let me know in the comment section if you find this article useful and let’s continue the discussion.

2 replies
  1. Chanti82002
    Chanti82002 says:

    Thanks for the information on rental agreement and notice to quit. I would like to get information on damages to tenants furniture and landlord refused to compensate and the tenant decide to stop paying rent to compensate for loss/damage.

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